Message from the 2020-21 Board Chair

Board of Directors

    NFPA Board Meets, Sets Strategic Vision for the Future by Ray Chambers, Chairman, CEO & President, Muncie Power Products As has been necessary for many other successful organizations, the NFPA Board of Directors held its annual strategic retreat in June 2020 virtually, connecting over a series of online meetings to both review NFPA’s…

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Fluid Power Forum Explores the Education of a Future Fluid Power Engineer

Purdue University

Episode 25 of Fluid Power Forum, NFPA’s fluid power industry-focused podcast, is now live. This episode features José Garcia Bravo of Purdue University who explains the benefits of the Power Partner designation and the impact it’s had on the Purdue campus. [button link=”” target=”blank” style=”primary”]Listen to the Podcast[/button] This fluid power industry-focused podcast highlights the people, technologies and unique…

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Fluid Power Forum Looks at NFPA Scholarship Winner’s First Year of College

Episode 20 of Fluid Power Forum, NFPA’s fluid power industry-focused podcast, is now live. This episode explores the unique experiences of NFPA Fluid Power Scholarship winner Trevor Burke, a mechanical engineering student at Southern Methodist University. [button link=”” target=”blank” style=”primary”]Listen to the Podcast[/button] This fluid power industry-focused podcast highlights the people, technologies, and unique applications that are moving the…

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MSOE Fluid Power Club Students Connect with Industry

Programs like the Fluid Power Clubs are made possible in part by the generous support of industry volunteers as well as NFPA Education and Technology Foundation and Pascal Society donors.  The NFPA Technology and Education Foundation has launched a new program to support Fluid Power Clubs on university campuses. The goal of the clubs is to get…

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NFPA Launches Power Partner Program

NFPA has launched its new Power Partner program, an annual recognition program designed to showcase a university that actively participates in all NFPA fluid power educational programs. With the help of NFPA members, resources for university faculty have been developed to support fluid power education growth at their institutions. The major objective for this program…

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Now Accepting Proposals for University Grants

Grants image

The NFPA Education and Technology Foundation is committed to supporting university fluid power education and programs that train the next generation of the fluid power workforce. To help get more university graduates educated in fluid power, the new University Grant is designed to provide funding to faculty to add more fluid power curricula to their undergraduate mechanical…

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University Fluid Power Clubs Will Connect Students to Local Industry

NFPA is building resources for students at all grade levels to be educated in fluid power and working to connect these students to NFPA industry members for career information and jobs. Most recently, we have begun helping support fluid power clubs at universities in order for engineering students to explore fluid power in greater depth…

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Robotics Challenge Scholarship Winner Hired as Intern at HUSCO

Spencer Tiegs, the 2017 NFPA Robotics Challenge Scholarship winner, interviewed with and was hired as a summer intern by NFPA member, HUSCO International. Spencer will be working as a Design Engineering intern on the Automotive Design team this summer. He won the Robotics Challenge $40,000 scholarship ($10,000 per year for four years) for his work in…

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