Q2 2024 ITR Forecast Report Now Available

ITR’s Q2 2024 U.S. Customer Markets Forecast Report is now available. This report forecasts over 30 different popular fluid power markets. Identify which phase of the business cycle a market is in and where it is headed in the future. Forecasts for fluid power, pneumatics, and hydraulics have been updated. Highlights include:  If you have any…

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NFPA Surveys as Leading Indicators 

Looking for a strong leading indicator to help plan forward over the next couple quarters? Look no farther than the NFPA State of Fluid Power Industry Survey (SOFP).  SOFP is easy to participate in each month; more importantly, the results are powerful. Just answer a few quick opinion-based questions via an online survey. The SOFP…

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Economic Market Indicators Report and Oxford Monthly Industry Briefings Update

NFPA’s Econ and Market Indicators (EMI) report pulls together data from multiple sources to provide the latest trends for: Customer Markets (U.S. Census Bureau) Economic Indicators (U.S. Census Bureau) Industrial Production (Federal Reserve) Capacity Utilization (Federal Reserve) Producer Price Index (Bureau of Labor Statistics) Oxford’s Monthly Industry Briefings contain the latest developments for eleven major…

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Q1 2024 Forecast Reports from Oxford Economics: Global Fluid Power Report and By-Country Briefings

Global Fluid Power Report and Forecast  Insights include:  By Country Briefings and Forecasts Insights include: To access these reports, click HERE, and go to either “Global Fluid Power Report and Forecast” or “By-Country Industry Briefings and Forecasts”.   NFPA tracks foreign trade data broken down by country and product and provides interactive summary tables for a quick look…

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Special Reports from Oxford Economics: Insights on Baltimore Bridge Collapse and Global Scenarios Forecast

A new research briefing and global scenarios report from Oxford Economics has been added to NFPA’s member hub. The latest research briefing focuses on the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse. Oxford anticipates larger economic implications for the Baltimore economy than nationally. Increases in transportation costs and disruptions are not forecasted to be widespread or large…

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Quarterly Industry Forecast Reports from Oxford Economics Now Available

Quarterly industry forecast reports from Oxford Economics have been updated on NFPA’s member hub. Some quick insights include: Oxford Economics produces quarterly forecast reports for 10+ industries. These reports highlight forecast drivers and constraints with upside and downside scenario outlooks. Industries covered include Construction, Motor Vehicles, Extraction, Electronics and Computers, and more. These reports additionally…

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New Global Fluid Power Report and Forecast Available

A new series of quarterly forecast updates from Oxford Economics is now available on the NFPA website at Global Industry Forecasts.  These reports cover the global economy, as well as regional and country developments, and some detailed global industry forecasts.  Oxford predicts a slow first half of 2024 with US industrial output being particularly stagnate.…

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Q1 2024 ITR Forecast Report Now Available

ITR’s Q1 2024 U.S. Customer Markets Forecast Report is now available. This report forecasts over 30 different popular fluid power markets. Identify which phase of the business cycle a market is in and where it is headed in the future. Forecasts for fluid power, pneumatics, and hydraulics have been updated. Highlights include: If you have any…

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