NFPA Programs Connect Members to New Hires


One of the goals NFPA works to accomplish with our workforce programs is to connect students in our educational programs to careers in the fluid power industry at NFPA member companies. It’s always great to hear the success stories! NFPA member, Jim Kaas, of Iowa Fluid Power (IFP), recently hired two students that he met through…

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2019 Robotics Challenge Scholarship Winner Announced

Noah Santoni of Richardson, Texas, is the winner of the 2019 NFPA Robotics Challenge Scholarship. The scholarship program received 76 applications this year and helps build awareness of fluid power benefits and careers among high school students. This scholarship program awards $40,000 ($10,000 per year for four years) to a high school senior who participates…

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University Fluid Power Clubs Will Connect Students to Local Industry

NFPA is building resources for students at all grade levels to be educated in fluid power and working to connect these students to NFPA industry members for career information and jobs. Most recently, we have begun helping support fluid power clubs at universities in order for engineering students to explore fluid power in greater depth…

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NFPA Speakers Bureau Brings University Students and Industry Together

One thing that gets the NFPA workforce development staff excited is when we can connect our members to innovative students. The more NFPA members can meet with students and share their experiences and all of the opportunities that are available in the fluid power industry, the closer we get to helping solve the workforce shortage.…

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Latest Industry Report Released – A Tool to Promote Fluid Power

Join the more than 85 NFPA member companies that have already downloaded the 2017 Annual Report on the U.S. Fluid Power Industry. This report includes an overview of the fluid power industry and showcases fluid power as a workhorse of the American economy. Highlights of the Report: Technology advantages and applications U.S. and Global Growth…

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