Industry Trends Data Shows Strong Rebound Has Begun

industry trends, industry update

As many of you may know, the National Fluid Power Association (NFPA) is the leading source of hydraulic and pneumatic industry data. Members get and use our data in a variety of ways to run their businesses. Part of our market information services is providing overall industry trends. Here is the latest update: Hydraulic and…

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Register Today for the May 27 Economic Update Webinar

Economic Update Webinar

NFPA Economic Update WebinarFeaturing Jim Meil, ACT ResearchThursday, May 27th, 10:00 am CentralRegistration Open NO CHARGE to NFPA Members! Jim Meil, Industry Analyst with ACT Research, as well as a popular fluid power economist, will help members gain critical insight into the economic risks and opportunities facing their organizations during these uncertain economic conditions. This webinar…

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Fast Stats Feature: State of the Fluid Power Industry Survey

NFPA’s State of the Fluid Power Industry Survey (SOFP) is a monthly seven-question, opinion-based survey that examines responses from fluid power industry peers on orders, shipments, hiring plans and inventory levels to gauge the change in the monthly, quarterly and annual state of our industry compared to previous benchmarks and predictions.  The latest survey revealed over…

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NFPA Provides Industry Statistics That Improve Your Decision Making

Stats Toolkit Pro

By Eric Lanke, NFPA President/CEO One of NFPA’s core strategic objectives is to provide our members with timely and accurate industry statistics and business intelligence that support improved decision-making. There are a lot of ways for members to get engaged in our programs dedicated to advancing this objective. Our Participation-Based Programs provide unique value to…

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New Economic Indicator Data Boosts Value of NFPA Stats Toolkit

Stats Toolkit Pro

The Stats Toolkit, NFPA’s online data support tool available exclusively to NFPA members, has just received a major upgrade and now features Economic Indicator Data. NFPA’s latest data resource addition to the Stats Toolkit offers a competitive advantage to those looking to get even more out of the Stats Toolkit. Coupled with the “Correlation Analysis” report application, the…

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Fast Stats Feature: Foreign Trade Report

NFPA’s 2020 U.S. Foreign Trade Data for Fluid Power Products Report breaks down U.S. fluid power foreign trade data by both country and product, with key pieces highlighted in a trade data summary sheet and a variety of foreign trade trend graphs for a quick and easy snapshot of our industry’s foreign trade activity in 2020. A few findings…

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U.S. Fluid Power Product Exports Decline $1 Billion in 2020

U.S. fluid power product exports dropped 14.3% when compared to last year, reaching 5.6 billion dollars in 2020. Declining nearly one billion dollars since 2019, U.S. fluid power exports faced several challenges, including a recessionary economy brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic as well as an uncertain foreign trade environment due to unstable trade policies,…

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Fast Stats Feature: NFPA’s Trends in Capacity Utilization

The Trends in Capacity Utilization Report is a valuable indicator that predicts turning points for various economic factors to help prepare your company for future changes in manufacturing, employment and more. Recent report updates have shown bounce backs in almost all areas except for energy, including a more dramatic bounce back in capacity utilization for machinery industries,…

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