NFPA Provides Opportunities to Promote Fluid Power Technology

  By Eric Lanke NFPA President/CEO As our Board chair Ray Chambers recently communicated, the NFPA Board of Directors met virtually in late June 2020 for its annual strategic retreat. Among other topics of focus, the Board reviewed the program successes NFPA achieved in its 2019-20 fiscal year. In this post, I would like to…

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NFPA Creates Video Presentation on the U.S. Fluid Power Industry

In response to COVID-19 challenges that schools across the country are facing, NFPA has been working to source more virtual fluid power educational resources. NFPA’s educator partner network has expressed interest in showing students videos from NFPA member companies that have real life examples of various fluid power technologies in use. To kick things off,…

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Industry Report Available for Download

Fluid Power Machinery

Available to NFPA members and non-members alike. Download and share this report with your colleagues and customers today!  The sixth Annual Report on the U.S. Fluid Power Industry outlines the thriving impact the fluid power industry has worldwide and is a tool that members can use to promote the fluid power industry to external stakeholders—customers, users, government officials, the public at-large—anyone…

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New Industry Report Available for Download

Fluid Power Machinery

The sixth Annual Report on the U.S. Fluid Power Industry has just been released on the NFPA website. Spread the word about the thriving impact of the fluid power industry. Download and share this report with your colleagues and customers today! This new report outlines the impact the fluid power industry has worldwide and is a tool that members can use to…

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Opportunities to Help Promote Fluid Power

  By Eric Lanke NFPA President/CEO In pursuing our mission of strengthening the fluid power industry, NFPA is focused on four key strategic objectives. Here’s a quick summary of the ways NFPA members can benefit from the programs associated with the third of those objectives. We call that objective Promote Fluid Power, and it’s where…

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Enhance Your Marketing and Strategic Planning Efforts

Join the dozens NFPA member companies that have already downloaded the 2018 Annual Report on the U.S. Fluid Power Industry. This report includes an overview of the fluid power industry and showcases fluid power as a workhorse of the American economy. The information in this report is helping companies enhance their marketing efforts and prepare their strategic…

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Download the Latest Fluid Power Trends and Statistics

Join the NFPA member companies that have already downloaded the 2018 Annual Report on the U.S. Fluid Power Industry. This report includes an overview of the fluid power industry and showcases fluid power as a workhorse of the American economy. Right now, this report is being used by dozens of companies to enhance their marketing efforts and prepare…

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Fifth Annual Report on the U.S. Fluid Power Industry Available

The fifth Annual Report on the U.S. Fluid Power Industry has just been released on the NFPA website. Download and share it with your colleagues and clients today!   Fluid power is a workhorse across the U.S. economy and is used in dozens of industries and hundreds of applications. This new report outlines the thriving impact…

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