Explore Fluid Power’s Impact in the Annual Report on the U.S. Fluid Power Industry

Although hydraulics and pneumatics have a major impact on our world, it is often up to NFPA and our members to educate customers, colleagues and students on the importance of our industry. The first step to educating our communities about fluid power is to explore the magnitude of its impact ourselves. The sixth Annual Report on the U.S. Fluid Power Industry provides you with the resources you need to explain the applications and reach of our work to both those who don’t know about the industry and those who don’t know enough. Everyone is welcome to download the report, NFPA member or not, and doing so will equip you with the tools you need to spread the word about our industry including:

  • Metrics on our industry’s size and growth
  • Hotspots for fluid power employment
  • Details of the NFPA educator network
  • And much more

Jump start the conversation about what you do and why by downloading the ultimate tool for spreading fluid power awareness.

[button link=”https://www.nfpa.com/home/industry-stats/Annual-Report-on-US-Fluid-Power-Industry.htm” target=”blank” style=”primary”]Download the Report[/button]

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