Econ & Market Indicators
Take measure of the fluid power supply chain with key customer market data, leading economic indicators, and producer pricing statistics, all within a single Excel file. Track changes, identify trends, and develop projections with this monthly collection of dollar/index data and visual trend graphs. A useful resource for your own internal needs and with NFPA’s Stats Toolkit to increase your data analysis capabilities.
Read MoreITR Forecast Report: U.S. Customer Markets
Look ahead and anticipate change with the NFPA Forecast Report: U.S. Customer Markets. This quarterly report includes an annual outlook with ITR phase identifiers for the current year and next two years ahead for 30 of fluid power’s most popular customer markets, as well as hydraulics, pneumatics, and the overall fluid power industry; a quarterly outlook with ITR phase identifiers for those same markets; and detailed fluid power outlooks with supporting evidence, management objectives, ITR phase identifiers, and amplitudes.
Read MoreInternational Fluid Power Data
See the impact and trends in fluid power import and export trade with this semiannual report. Based on U.S. International Trade Administration customs data, you can use this report to see where your international competition comes from and where the rest of the fluid power industry is exporting to. Data is broken down at both country and product levels.
Read MoreState of the Fluid Power Industry – Manufacturer Survey (SOFP-M)
The State of the Fluid Power Industry – Manufacturers Survey is a quick and easy monthly survey that gives you the pulse of the fluid power industry, with expectations for mobile hydraulics, industrial hydraulics and pneumatics. And, along with the manufacturers’ results, participants also receive access to the distributors’ results every month.
Read MoreState of the Fluid Power Industry
Introducing NFPA’s first survey for distribution members, the State of the Fluid Power Industry – Distributors Survey (SOFP-D). This quick and easy monthly survey gives you the pulse of the distribution channel, with expectations for overall business, engineered systems, service/repairs, and inventories. And, along with the distributors’ results, participants also receive access to the manufacturers’ results every month.
Read MoreRegional Demand Estimates
NFPA’s U.S. Fluid Power Regional Demand Estimates Report is an Excel-based report prepared for NFPA by Oxford Economics. The report profiles the estimated geographic distribution of fluid power products to end-use industries by state, including fluid power sales dollar estimates, fluid power sales percentage estimates, and number of establishments for each industry in every state.
Read MoreTest Report Child
Read MoreTest Report
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