Q2 2024 ITR Forecast Report Now Available

ITR’s Q2 2024 U.S. Customer Markets Forecast Report is now available. This report forecasts over 30 different popular fluid power markets. Identify which phase of the business cycle a market is in and where it is headed in the future. Forecasts for fluid power, pneumatics, and hydraulics have been updated. Highlights include:  If you have any…

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Q1 2024 ITR Forecast Report Now Available

ITR’s Q1 2024 U.S. Customer Markets Forecast Report is now available. This report forecasts over 30 different popular fluid power markets. Identify which phase of the business cycle a market is in and where it is headed in the future. Forecasts for fluid power, pneumatics, and hydraulics have been updated. Highlights include: If you have any…

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Q4 2023 ITR Forecast Report Now Available

ITR’s Q4 2023 U.S. Customer Markets Forecast Report is now available. This report forecasts over 30 different popular fluid power markets. Identify which phase of the business cycle a market is in and where it is headed in the future. Forecasts for fluid power, pneumatics, and hydraulics have been updated. Highlights include: If you have…

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New Country Forecasts from Oxford Economics Available for NFPA Members 

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Byline: Sam Diedrich The quarterly by-country forecasts from Oxford Economics have been updated on NFPA’s member hub. See the latest outlooks for over 60 different countries. Highlights from the latest reports include:  Download these reports and more from Oxford Economics with your NFPA member login: https://nfpahub.com/stats/reports-data/global-market-reports-forecasts/  Questions? Contact Sam Diedrich at sdiedrich@nfpa.com or 414-778-3372 

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Q2 2023 ITR Forecast Report Now Available

ITR’s Q2 2023 U.S. Customer Markets Forecast Report is now available. This report forecasts over 30 different popular fluid power markets. Identify which phase of the business cycle a market is in and where it is headed in the future. Forecasts for fluid power, pneumatics, and hydraulics have been updated. Highlights include: If you have…

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Abundance of New Oxford Economics Insights Available Now

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Byline: Sam Diedrich Oxford Economics has updated every forecast and industry report. Download the latest insights now to get up to speed on hydraulic & pneumatic forecasts, industry forecasts, country forecasts, inflation outlooks, semiconductor updates, and more. See below for a more detailed list of what is new from Oxford Economics. What’s New? If you…

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Q1 2023 ITR Forecast Report Now Available

ITR’s Q1 2023 U.S. Customer Markets Forecast Report is now available. This report forecasts over 30 different popular fluid power markets. Identify which phase of the business cycle a market is in and where it is headed in the future. Forecasts for fluid power, pneumatics, and hydraulics have been updated. Highlights include: If you have…

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