Oxford Economics Global Market Reports & Forecasts

Let NFPA piece together your global marketplace with the Global Market Reports and Forecasts, a collection of monthly and quarterly global market reports that will allow you to investigate every angle of our global marketplace. From high-level macro data and leading indicators, to very detailed analysis and forecasts of popular customer markets, and all broken down from a global perspective, including specific by-country analysis and forecasts.

  • Global Fluid Power Report and Forecast, a customized quarterly report that includes a global macro summary, by-country market forecasts and analysis, and by-country fluid power forecast.

  • Global Industry Forecasts, quarterly reports that examine nine key customer markets and include market analysis for 68 countries and market forecasts for 68 countries.

  • Global Industry Briefings, monthly reports that examine nine customer markets and include the latest developments in key world economies and month-to-month output numbers and forecasts.

  • By-Country Briefings and Forecasts, quarterly country specific reports that examine 68 individual countries and include a global macro summary, detailed data and analysis of customer markets, and customer market forecasts.

  • World Economic Prospects Report, monthly reports that examine the latest economic developments from around the globe and include long-term forecasts for key economic indicators for over 60 countries.

All forecast data and analysis included in these reports are produced for NFPA by:

Oxford Economics
Nick Stavropoulos
8770 W. Bryn Mawr Ave, Suite 1300
Chicago, IL 60631

Monthly and Quarterly Free to NFPA Members Electronic

For more information about NFPA’s market information services, contact Pete Alles at palles@nfpa.com or (414) 778-3350. For information on becoming an NFPA member, e-mail membership@nfpa.com.