Take Advantage of These Free Resources on the NFPA Market Information Website
Benchmark your performance and set your goals by state.
Confidential Shipment Statistics (CSS) Program
Analyze industry trends and benchmark performance for shipments and orders.
Customer Market File
Understand the fluid power supply chain with key customer market data, leading economic indicators, and producer pricing statistics.
NFPA Forecast Report: U.S. Customer Markets
Three-year forecast for the industry and 29 customer markets.
Five types of reports with multiple views of global market demand.
Identify distribution channel expectations based on the opinions of industry peers.
Annual Survey of Fluid Power Manufacturers (FPASM)
Identify industry size and industry segmentation.
Properly interpret U.S. fluid power sales by customer market.
Discover the impact and trends of international trade and global consumption.
*Your NFPA login will be required to access these reports. Need an NFPA login? Please click HERE.*
If you have any questions or are interested in reviewing any of these programs via webinar, please just contact Eric Armstrong at earmstrong@nfpa.com or call (414) 778-3372.
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