Through the support of generous donations to the NFPA Education and Technology Foundation, and volunteer NFPA member judges, the NFPA Education and Technology Foundation awarded 26 students $86,000 in scholarships to further their fluid power education for the 2023-24 academic year.
The awardees include 23 students from the Fluid Power Scholarship applicant pool and 3 students from the Robotics Challenge Scholarship applicant pool.
Scholarships from the NFPA go towards a student’s tuition expenses. Below are messages from a few 2023-24 NFPA Scholarship recipients.
- “I would like to say what an honor and a privilege it is to be selected as a recipient.”
- “Fantastic! Thank you so much for the good news! I am honored to have been selected. These funds will certainly help lessen the financial burden of my education.”
- “Please extend my gratitude and deepest thanks to the NFPA industry reviewers. It means so much to me to receive a scholarship, especially one from a national organization.”
- “Wow, this is such amazing news! It is an honor to be selected and I am so grateful to you, NFPA, and members of the fluid power industry for this opportunity.”
- “Thank you so much for this honor! I am excited for this new challenge, and this scholarship will help a great deal!”
Many of these scholarship recipients will be seeking internships or full-time jobs in the future, so please keep them in mind for your hiring needs. Watch for future NFPA News articles, where we highlight the accomplishments of each applicant.
Are you interested in getting involved with NFPA’s Scholarship Programs?
We are currently recruiting judges to serve on the application review committee. NFPA’s scholarship programs rely on volunteer judges from the fluid power industry. For each program, the time commitment is approximately 3-5 hours.
Last cycle, we received 97 student applications to NFPA Scholarship Programs. This cycle, we anticipate more applications from qualified and passionate students. By joining the application review committee, NFPA members have the opportunity to identify students with optimistic futures in the fluid power industry.
If you would like to learn more about this opportunity, please contact Haley Nemeth at
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