CSS Monthly Shipments: Covid-19 Continues to Have an Uneven Impact

NFPA’s June 2020 Confidential Shipment Statistics (CSS) report, a monthly source of fluid power shipment and order data trends used to benchmark company performance, continues to highlight COVID-19’s uneven impact on the fluid power industry. Extreme year-to-year declines in May’s orders activity led to strong year-to-year declines in June shipments, with a noticeable exception in…

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CSS Monthly Shipments: COVID-19 Continues to Have Strong but Uneven Impact

NFPA’s May 2020 Confidential Shipment Statistics (CSS) report, a monthly source of fluid power shipment and order data trends often used to benchmark company performance, continues to expose COVID-19’s impact on the fluid power industry with severe declines in year-to-year and year-to-date fluid power shipment and order trends. May shipments were down again, and orders…

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